It has now been 6 weeks, and although you are on our minds every single day, in some ways it still isn’t real. I wish somehow, someway that I’ll wake up and it’s all been a horrible nightmare, but as I sit here tonight watching the girls as they gather every picture they have of you, I know it’s real. Some of my hardest days, are also my very best. The girls have craft paper, glitter, stickers and pictures over the ENTIRE floor, and their fighting for the day has finally subsided. I hear them so excited to show each other what pictures that they have found and how they are decorating their pages for each other. I think this is the first 15 minutes all day, that they haven’t been arguing about the stupidest things. They both make sure that they have pages of each other in their books and want to know every detail about the photos of you and I from our vacation. They can’t wait until we get to go as a family to some of the places that you and I ...